
Heny Sison - Baking and Pastry Lesson 10

Chef Vickie Villanueva Lesson Plan: Cookies & Petit Fours
Description: Chocolate Cookies, Oatmeal Revel Bars, Pecan Triangles, Brownies (cake or fudge like), Lace Cookies, etc.

Who doesn't love cookies or brownies? Although we weren't able to make petit fours, we did several variants of cookies. We also played around with ingredients like flour, eggs and liquids to see what effect it would have on our pastries. Like I said before, baking is precise and it does require the science of understanding ingredients and its properties. Do you want your pastry more cake like, dense, fudgey, cripsy vs. chewy? Sometimes its all about making small batches to acheive something that appeals to you. All the ingredients will play a role on the outcome. This is the beauty of baking...the outcome can be unpredictable.