No culinary school comes without its drama. Its can be a pretty toxic environment, especially if you watch those shows like Hell's Kitchen or Culinary School. Its time sensitive and being a team player is key.
We also started noticing in the past few days there was already built-in drama with other groups. Some didn't want to be in their groups, some groups all had commanders in they all wanted to lead. Some just caused plain drama with everyone in class. The most annoying ones are the students who wanted all the care and attention of the assistant chefs. Like we need more narcissistic chefs running around the world. If you have legs and arms...go get it yourself!
During mise en place, some students would hog the digital weighing scale and always wanted to be first in everything. I understood it was because it took a lot of time and it meant staying late....but for crying out loud, enough was enough. It was then I was really thankful I chose the guys as my partners. In fact, with only three boys in the class, I stole two of them from the get go! Why? Because these guys seemed even keeled and drama free. For some reason, in just a short time, we were already protecting each other as if we were a band of one sister! Hey now!
For the most part, we are always laughing, making jokes, goofing around and being friendly with all our classmates. We always smiled and enjoyed what were were doing.
It was then we became close to our other honorary member and contributor....Kim. At one point she got into a little fight with another student. I was there and overheard everything and realized it surely wasn't her fault. You can tell the other students picked on her for whatever reason. She is the only other expat there....a Korean and non-tagalog speaker. So I knew how she felt and because of that we befriended her. We like the underdogs!